Wind Down Ritual Prep
Day 12/21
today’s exercise:
Now that you’re up to speed on what we’re doing and why it's time for you to decide on some things that will support you as you go. Pull out your journal and answer these questions.
What is your ideal bedtime (lights out)?
How much time does it take you to get ready for bed? (i.e. brush teeth, wash face, put on pjs)
How much ‘me time’ would feel both supportive and doable to fit in between getting ready for bed and lights out?
Then add together the amount of time it takes you to get ready for bed and the amount of me time you’d like to enjoy each night. Then add 10 more minutes as a buffer. Once you have the total, count back that amount of time from your desired lights out time and voila! You now know what time you need to start getting ready for bed so that you have enough time to do your wind down ritual. It’s a good idea to set a daily reminder to go off at that time each day so you have a clear cue to start getting ready for bed.
during tonight’s wind down ritual:
Pull out your journal and make two lists:
List #1 is a list of positive things you’re noticing as a result of your morning routine.
List #2 is a list of reasons you’re excited to include a wind down ritual in your evenings & in what ways you hope to benefit from this ritual. Feel free to list any concerns you have about it as they can shed light on important aspects of your experience too and acknowledging them by writing them down diminishes their power.
Then answer these questions:
How does it feel to know I’ll be taking care of myself like this most nights?
What am I most looking forward to doing for myself during the wind down ritual that I don’t usually make time for?
The anticipation is SWEET, my friend! Reply to my text with the time you’re going to start getting ready for bed from now on and how long your wind down ritual will be.