Your Grandchildren Need Your Help
Dear Friend,
I am writing you this letter for a few reasons:
I care deeply about you and your wellbeing.
I want you and your family to be healthy and well (so much!!)
You are a leader and change agent.
We can all benefit from your help.
I’m sure you’re aware of my passion for natural wellness and essential oils, and if you aren’t, ask anyone associated with me on social media. My career as a doTERRA wellness advocate began when after using their products I experienced an incredible health benefit that was a catalyst for sustained physical and emotional healing.
At the time I knew it was my responsibility to share the products because they had helped me so tremendously and if something could help me when I was desperate I wanted to make it available to others who might find themselves in a similar situation.
While that is still a large part of why I teach about and sell essential oils, the reason I do this work has evolved and with it my responsibility to you has also evolved from that of helping you “put out” health fires to helping you prevent them through education and informed consumer hood. I’ve listened and offered support while countless people listed off health issues like infertility, thyroid disease, mysterious autoimmune issues, unexplainable skin rashes, cancer diagnoses (even in very young children) and nervous system disorders that severely impact quality and even length of life.
During the past few years of my life I’ve watched as evidence mounted connecting the thousands of chemicals we are exposed to and that we (unknowingly) expose ourselves to in everyday household products to the above mentioned health concerns and I have been, for the most part quiet about it. I have kept what I was learning to myself for fear of being thought of as that crazy woman who cried wolf on your favorite perfume, cologne, air freshener, personal care or cleaning product but after watching Stink! on Netflix what I care about WAY more than you're good opinion of me is your health and wellbeing and that of your children and grandchildren.
And since I know how important their health and your own health is to you I am asking you to do something, well, two things.
Watch the documentary Stink! on Netflix and learn what the beauty, fragrance, & cleaning industry doesn’t want you to know.
Make a list of the products you use on a daily basis that contain “fragrance” on the ingredients list (burning candles that aren’t made with essential oils, air freshener plug-ins and aerosol air fresheners, and dryer sheets should be included on that list)
I’ve known for a while now that waiting for the FDA, EPA and legislators to mandate transparent and accurate labeling of products by manufacturing companies containing potentially harmful chemicals will mean waiting for...ever?
That doesn’t upset me (as much) as it used to because you and I are the change agents we’ve been waiting for. You and I have the power to make things better for ourselves and our kids and their kids. You and I have more power to do good more than an outside entity has to harm us but to be that agent of change we MUST be informed.
In the European Union over 1,200 chemicals have been banned from use in the cosmetic industry because of the negative effects they have on human health, in the U.S.? Ten.
A large part of my job as a wellness advocate is to be an educator and what I educate on is not limited to essential oil use but a holistic approach to wellness which includes considerations of physical activity, the food we eat and the chemicals we inhale, ingest and apply to our skin.
I have written this note to inform you about the lack of product information made available to us, the consumers, to inspire you to take (easy) action and most importantly to make it clear to you that there is HOPE. There are companies that exist that prioritize their consumers’ health and wellbeing because they understand that the two - positive health outcomes and profitability - ARE NOT mutually exclusive.
There are companies that use clean ingredients in personal care, household cleaning and cosmetics and while there are many large companies that hide hundreds, if not thousands of synthetic chemicals they include in their products under the word, “fragrance” we as consumers have options and superior alternatives do exist. There are alternatives to chemically laden products that aren’t just safe and effective but that actually offer benefits to the same body systems that synthetic chemicals compromise and they’re easily accessible and affordable.
If you’ve made it this far in my note, thank you. I know your time is precious.
Currently I’m creating a team of people who help others remove common toxins from their homes, workplaces and bodies and if you’d like our support or to join forces with us please reach out.
Remember, your voice matters, your choices matter and the most powerful vote you cast is with your dollar. Please vote for wellness for our planet, your children, your grandchildren, you're friends and coworkers and yourself the next time you buy cosmetics, a fragrance or household cleaner. You have the power to change the world. Don’t ever forget that.
In joy, hope & service,
Relevant Resources:
Stink! - the movie the chemical industry doesn’t want you to see.
Women’s Voices for the Earth - The mission of Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) is to amplify women’s voices to eliminate the toxic chemicals that harm our health and communities.
Think Dirty - An App for Checking the Safety of Products you use