Soul Centering

Day 3/21

This morning you're going to add a second brief, yet powerful practice to your morning routine.

After you've thought of 3 things you appreciate and gotten out of bed, stopped by the bathroom to do what you need to do [my 5 step morning makeover is a perfect fit if you'd like to tune up this part of your morning too]. Then head to a quiet, peaceful part of your home where you can be alone.

Once there, sit down. Today you're going to learn Soul Centering.

If you're here with me I'm fairly certain you believe there's more to who you are than just your physical bod pod, yes? Our souls (spirits or essence, whatever you want to call it) can split off when we experience trauma, when we grieve or experience pain and that when we sleep and dream its possible for our souls to wander, to travel through time and space and just because we wake up and become conscious again doesn't mean our soul always comes back right away.

When our soul isn't centered in our being we can feel off, foggy, distant, detached or out of it without any explanation. This simple practice of soul centering easily and gently guides our souls back to us so that we can bring our whole selves with us for the rest of our day.

Check out this quick video to learn more and watch me demonstrate the practice.


And for quick reference… here's all you need to do: [time needed: 2 minutes]

Sit quietly, close your eyes.

Say (out loud or silently): "I need you soul, please come home."

As you do take full, deep breaths in through your nose, envision your essence being drawn back into your body like there's a magnet within you pulling it in from even the farthest reaches of the universe and move your arms and hands in summoning gestures, guiding your soul back into your body as if you were bathing yourself in a potent, energetic medicine from the top of your head, to your face, let your arms cross around your heart in a gentle hug and continue re-integrating your soul all the way down your body.

Keep going until you feel complete. You'll know when you're done.

After you finish, text me how you feel and if you noticed anything during or after you centered your soul. I love getting insight as to what this powerful practice is like for you!