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you’re not here to observe, you’re here to create.

It’s time you stop letting the conditions of your life dictate how you feel so you can leverage the power of your focus & create the life & business of your dreams like the boss babe you idolize did.



Meet the

conscious creator’s course


this is for the side hustler who

is stalled out in her buinsess

wishes she trusted herself more

misses the joy & excitement her work used to bring

wants to expand her offerings & serve a larger audience but is intimidated

is ready to start living the life that she’s been imagining for … loner than she’d like to admit


what we’ll work on together

  • Clarifing your desires

  • Connecting with your wisdom

  • Taking action that aligns with your desires

  • Diving deep into your purpose in this lifetime

  • Strategies to market your offerings & services online

  • Increasing self confidence

  • Living in greater ease & flow

  • Understanding & harnessing your genius

  • Supporting your mindset


just imagine...

Feeling like the powerful, brilliant creator you are.

Trusting everything IS working out for your highest good.

Relaxing because you know success isn’t dependent on how hard you hustle.

Knowing the universe is ready to meet your needs before you’re aware of them(!!!)

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if your heart’s

screaming, Yes!


it’s time to schedule a free coaching consult

Let’s build your momentum in the direction you want to go. You know that your thoughts create your reality and that the life you desire can flow easily & joyfully through you.

If what you’re reading here aligns with what you know deep down to be true, book a call to connect & learn more.


during your call I’ll…

  • Offer actionable advice

  • Get a sense of your biggest dreams & challenges

  • Learn what you want your life & business to look and feel like

  • Determine if you’re a good fit for the conscious creator’s course

  • Share more details about the course if I think I can help


& as with all of my free offerings you don’t have to buy anything.

see you soon!

xo, maria


P.S. if you’re called to follow your own path…


and honor your inner guidance and gifts, to live a life on purpose there is a REASON you found your way to this page.

Over the last few years I have helped business partners & clients break through the unsupportive (and untrue) stories they tell themselves and grow their self worth while coming into greater alignment with the truth of who they are - conscious creators.

Students of the conscious creator’s course leave behind the stories that drain them and replace them with stories that are true, supportive and fill them up.


My clients learn to TRUST themselves (seriously), my clients get out of their own way and start living by design, not default.

Join the conscious creator’s course and this can be you, too!

Living a life that brings you joy and empowers you to contribute the gifts you were born with to the world requires that you trust yourself, know your worthiness without a doubt and connect with your inner guidance system.

Without a road map or guide the process can be overwhelming. The Path of the Lotus can speed up the process and save you years of being frustrated and stuck in the same situation
