& just like that you’re registered for my winter wellness hacks revealed workshop

ON Saturday, December 19th @ 10am PT/1pm ET

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All of the info for you to access the event on Saturday, December 19th at 10am PT/1pm ET is on its way! When you see an email from me - Maria - open it and be sure to add the workshop to your calendar.

In the meantime, float on over to my blog and poke around. The blog is where I share insights and inspiration that goes deeper than what instagram allows and that’s why it’s my favorite place to share what’s on my heart with you. I think of my writings as a way for me to drop breadcrumbs for you along your trail to self love, greater ease and more joy.


want to meet the woman behind the workshop?

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hi there! i’m maria.

I’m an expert at helping people pleasers who want to make a difference in the world break free from emotional overwhelm, discover their inner guidance and trust themselves. I’ve been obsessed with personal and spiritual development since I was a kid and I love teaching you how to invite ease, flow and purpose into your life and work.

All of this started with a flash of realization while pulling weeds and listening to Wayne Dyer on my iPod when I was 13. In an instant I knew I was born to teach others the tools I was learning to transform my life.

And now I’m living in sunny California just 5 minutes from the beach with my husband, Derek, and mentoring the most amazing clients, smack dab in the middle of a life I dreamed about since I was a kid.