Full Moon Ritual and Journal Prompts for Beginners
Every 28ish days the moon cycles from fullness to newness, back to fullness. Aligning with her monthly rhythm is a beautiful way to invite ease, flow and sustainable growth and change into your life. When the moon is fully illuminated those of us who are sensitive to her changes can often feel a surge of energy, experience a restless night or find that our emotions are much closer to the surface.
One of my favorite ways to harness the energy surge and awareness the full moon offers is to use it as a monthly reminder to reflect and celebrate what’s come to fullness in my life. Whereas the new moon is a time of introspection and intention setting, the full moon is a time to recognize how we’ve grown and changed and what’s come to fruition in our lives.
Below you’ll find journal prompts and 5 things you can do to pause, leverage the moon’s energy and honor all the ways you’re progressing.
Celebrate your wins.
Look back over the last 6 months (the time since the new moon in the same astrological sign that the current full moon is in) and take note of the progress you’ve made.
Cleanse your energy body for a fresh start.
You can spritz around your body with a spray bottle filled with water and a few drops of doTERRA frankincense and clary sage essential oils or smudge yourself by lighting a sage wand and swirling its smoke all around your body, starting at your head. Another great way to cleanse both energetically and physically is by taking an epsom salt bath. I love adding frankincense and clary sage oils to my bath water too!
Cleanse and charge your crystals.
Set them out overnight under the light of the full moon so they can absorb the moon’s rays.
Make time to moon gaze and journal.
Pull out a lawn chair or sit by a window and let yourself look at her.
Gather with people who lift you up and share your wins with each other.
This is a powerful way to build community, strengthen relationships and bring the conversation and vibe to something positive which is more important than ever these days. Check out my virtual full moon circles if you’re looking for a supportive community to do this with each month!
Full Moon Journal prompts:
Reflect on the past 6 months. Think about where you were 6 months ago and list out everything you can think of that’s changed in your life for the better since then. Let yourself fill an entire page (at least) and notice how you feel once your list is complete.
Ask the moon if she has a message for you and then be still, take in her beauty and wait for her to drop her wisdom in your heart. Write down what’s communicated to you.
Ask yourself: What is my favorite way to celebrate the progress I make in my life and in what ways can I incorporate celebrating into my life more regularly?
I hope you’ll take time to be still and celebrate under the next full moon. If you’re going to try anything I’ve shared here let me know in the comments - I’d love to hear how it goes!
Thanks for sharing your journey with me, happy full moon!